Deep Freeze Skating Club Freestyle Sessions
Be sure to check the club calendar for any changes in the schedule.
WEDNESDAYS: 6:15-7:15 PM SUNDAYS: 6:20-7:20 PM
Club Ice Policies and Procedures for DFSC Club Ice effective starting Aug 18, 2024
(subject to change to make them even better!)
Ice fees
1. All skaters must pay for their ice time before going out on the ice, no IOU's or other exceptions will be possible. It's just too complicated to keep track of otherwise. Please be sure your skater has a way to pay when they arrive at the arena. A skater on the ice without paying will be billed for the full club ice duration in that session through the end of the current ice hour when they are noticed by the ice monitors.
2. Except in the case of 20 and 30 hour punch cards (members only), fees for club ice are $10/hr for members who opted for the discount membership plan, $20/hr for members who opted for the regular plan, and $30/hr for non-members ("walk-ons"). Associate members may pay at the discount level if they pay the discount buyout (which can act as a deposit to be recaptured by fundraising). Note: Walk-ons must be current USFS or LTS USA skaters and capable of skating under control. If they are beginner skaters they must be in a lesson. To protect all skaters, DFSC reserves the right to decide whether any skater is allowed on club ice and whether they need to be in a lesson when skating on club ice.
3. Skaters may pay for ice time with qualifying punches (see below), cash, check, Venmo or Square (transaction fee added if using Square). Skaters are responsible for all fees to DFSC for checks rejected by the bank due to insufficient funds.
4. Skaters will not be refunded if they get on the ice late or leave the ice early and will be charged through the end of the current club hour if they remain on the ice after the 1 hr or 1/2 slot they have paid for. Such "overtime" skaters may also be required to leave the ice in addition to that payment if the ice is overcrowded.
5. Skaters skating 1 hr must start at the beginning of a club ice hour. E.g., if there are two club hours in a row a skater paying for an hour may not start at 10 min into the first hour and get off the ice at 10 min into the second hour, even if they are late for a lesson. To guarantee a 1 hour slot, skaters should sign up in advance. Member skaters have priority (full then associate), but only until 10 min prior to the club ice hour, when it will open to walk-ons.
6. Member skaters may pay to skate for a 1/2 hr or with a 1/2 hour punch, but will be required to sign up for a 1/2 hr slot starting at the beginning or halfway point of any ice hour. The only exception is if their coach is teaching lessons of pre-planned durations that are impossible to fit within 1/2 hour slots (e.g., a 15 min then a 20 min then a 20 min), and not because of skater availability or a late lesson start. The reason for this is that 1/2 hr slots will be balanced to minimize crowding on the ice. Also, skaters should not pay for 1/2 hour at a time to skate for 1 hour, since half hour slots are reserved for skaters signing up to skate for just 1/2 hour and are really intended for young, beginner skaters. 1 hour punches cannot be split into two 1/2 hour punches. Walk-ons may only use 1/2 hr slots if they are (A) 8 years old or younger and figure skating, or (B) a hockey skater in an official hockey program in a skating skills lesson with a DFSC member coach (no sticks, no pucks, no goals, no sprints, etc.).
7. Exceptions regarding skating start and finish times will not be made due to administrative work--like filling out an application and paying a fee--or line-ups to pay. It is best to prepare paperwork in advance, pay in advance, and pay the ice monitors at least 10-15 min before club ice begins.
Punch Cards
1. Punch cards will be virtual from now on, like a bank account. The club will keep track of how many punches you have and use, and will have all those records at club ice for you to review. Hurray! No more forgotten or lost punch cards to worry about, or being chased by ice monitors! The best way to make sure your skater is never at the arena without payment is to use punch cards...and with 20 and 30 hour punch cards you pay less for your ice!
2. If you are a full member, your 2024-25 kickoff punch card has already been added to your account!
3. If you are a member and have roll-over punches on a paper punch card from last year, give us your paper card the first time you attend club ice and we will credit those punches to your account, but there will be no conversion of 2023-24 punches according to 2024-25 discount rates, roll-over punches count 1-for-1 except for walk-ons (see below). You must have the physical card to get roll-over punches credited to your account and you must present this card to the ice monitors by October 1, 2024, after which no more roll-over conversion will be allowed.
4. Non-members/walk-ons with roll-over punches will have to use a punch + $10 to meet the hourly walk-on ice fee ($5 with a half-hour punch).
5. Only unused punches from the 2023-24 season may be rolled-over to 2024-25.
6. Punches and punch cards are non-transferable (i.e., you may not "pay" for another skater's ice with your punches since punch cost depends on member plan, and volume deals only apply to individual members/families).
Ice Scheduling & Monitoring
1. A Google Form or online sign up will be made available to all member skaters in advance of all club ice sessions. To secure your slot, be sure to sign up in advance. If you forget to sign up online, go immediately to the ice monitors as soon as you get to the arena.
2. Ice monitors will be at a table at the entrance to the ice rink. Before they go out onto the ice, skaters must stop at the table and confirm their skating slot time and length, pay for their ice, and indicate if they are taking a lesson, its length and who the coach will be.
3. Ice monitors will periodically compare the skaters on the ice to the list of paid skaters on the ice monitoring roster.
4. If an ice monitor or coach asks a skater to leave the ice, the skater should leave the ice immediately. Note: if a skater is overtime on the ice they will be charged through the end of the current club ice hour even if they are asked to leave the ice due to overcrowding.
5. It is not the responsibility of coaches and ice monitors to make sure that skaters leave the ice at the end of their paid period. It is the skater's responsibility (and the parents' if the skater is a minor).